Cloutive achieved the “AWS Service Delivery Partner” level!

Cloutive Technology Solutions met all of the requirements to become AWS Service Delivery Partner. It’s the next and differentiated level of our AWS Partnership.

At Cloutive we believe that AWS migrations can be agile, and high-quality for startups and scale-ups as well. We’ve been working with our clients focusing on zero-downtime AWS migrations from the beginning and we’ve just received recognition from Amazon Web Services (AWS)

We are grateful to our clients who trusted us and we look forward to many more successful projects.

About the author

Founder of Cloutive. He started Cloutive with a motivation to make perfect AWS best practices available to startups and scaleups. Thanks to working on multiple projects, we have gained extensive experience on most of the AWS services, so our clients don’t have to do so, especially on the areas they need it one time.